
Modern city is never a unified entity.

Instead, it is a place where unexpected chaos coexists with settled orders, informal strategies stand by social standards, physical realities accompany with nihility while rationality and sensibilities always appear simultaneously; it seems to be infinitely versatile, full of opportunities and secrets while citizens could only get through in fixed frames defined by the subway routes, the end platform of buses and road signs. However, such paras of paradoxes constantly react and achieve the dialectical and unified relationship, to finally reach a delicate harmony at each specific moment. In fact, it is such a condition of paradox that makes up the society.

Confront with those conflicted facts, most of my design concerns on creating relations or transformations between those seems irreconcilable paradoxes. For instance, ‘gathering light’ transfers the immeasurable light into measurable shapes, ‘another city’ tries to compromise between chaos and order, the ‘porous community’ is discussing the possibility of  an ambigious relationship between public and private.